San Ming is a lovely little town on the southern coast of China. What makes it lovely is not the buildings, the food or the endless supply of clothes shops, though these do have there charms. What makes it lovely is the sweet little smile that appeared on Jean's face whenever she was home, sweet home. There isn't a greater sight in all the world.
This being so, Dave felt like the biggest pile of horse manure the world have ever known when it came to taking Jean back to England. If it wasn't for him, what reason would she have for going back? What possible reason could there be to take that smile away from her?
The last day came and went. There was the last game of 'Ba shi fan', the early morning rush to the train station and the predicatable tears.
As Dave held his wife in the dead of night, trying his best to comfort her, he thought
'Dave, your an asshole.'
Dave, your an asshole
Clearly great minds think alike
indeed and on this ocassion our minds are thinking alike as well
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