Friday, January 20, 2006

San Ming Zoo

Dave felt great, but that was no surprise. How can anyone not feel great when they're on a trip to the zoo!

A short walk across town and up a hill and there it was. 'YAY!'

First came the birds. It reminded him very much of back home, Sefton Park, it was almost an identical layout. Bird. Bird. Bird. Bird. Bird. Leopard. Leopard? Wow! Ok, maybe not exactly the same as back home. That's a leopard, that's a real leopard. There were several of them.


One said to Dave, in a polite I-want-to-tear-you-limb-from-limb manner.

"Rah!" shouted Jean happily back at him.

"I bet you wouldn't say that if the cage wasn't there."

Suddenly, as Dave stood staring at these magnificant cats, it appeared that someone else was staring at a very different animal. Him.

"She asked if her daughter can have her picture with you," Jean translated.

"Erm... yeah.. sure.."

This was a zoo. People took pictures of all the strange animals. Why should Dave be any different? So he stood by the little girl and let a complete stranger take a picture. A complete stranger. Dave had never felt more like a monkey. Felt good.

After the leopards and before the lions, tigers and monkeys came the camel. Big, smelly, hairy and ugly, it reminded Dave a little of himself. Jean picked up some food from the pile in front of him and fed him. He ate it up greedily.

Dave picked up some food and also tried to feed him. Nothing. Completely ignored.

Jean took the food from Dave and then the camel took it from her and ate it up greedily.

"I don't think he likes you," she laughed.

Jean's mum picked up some food and again the camel ate it up greedily.

Dave, determined, tried again. The camel ignored him. Dave kept trying. Finally the camel took it. Result. 2 seconds later the camel spat it straight back out, then he turned to Jean and ate the food she offered greedily.


Dave tried again, everyone was laughing, a small crowd had gathered, come see the strange looking monkey try to feed the racist camel. Again the camel took the food and spat it straight back out. Dave sighed, lowered his head and walked away defeated.

"Where are the monkeys, they'll like me." And they did.

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