Friday, January 20, 2006

Christmas 2005

"Ow" said Dave.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow..."

Dave did not feel too great. Dave didn't even feel slightly great. Dave felt like his head had been stuck in a blender. He couldn't breathe all that well, he felt incredibly tired and weak and why wouldn't the room stop spinning?

He was lying alone in a hotel in Beijing. He had successfully managed to steal his wife's cold and this was his reward. The 24hr trip to get here without any kind of sleep had not helped much.

'Hmm... ' he thought, 'Merry Christmas Dave. Merry... ow.'

Yes. Today was the 25th of December 2005. Christmas had not really made it to China in any kind of big way and Dave had clearly not brought it with him.


Alone, in the dark, Dave lay there and thought back to last week. He remembered meeting up with his friends and family, exchanging presents and goodwill and it brought a smile to his face. That was Christmas. Not this.

The 25th is a fairly meaningless date and december a pretty meaningless month. Christmas is whenever and wherever.

But still, Dave couldn't help wanting this Christmas to be a little better. He didn't need any presents or trees or shiny things. He just wanted his head back in one piece.

'Oh well, better luck next year.'

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