For the past 3 months Dave had been studying. Studying harder than he had ever studied before. This was true for several reasons:
1. He had never really studied hard before.
2. He had nothing else to do during the week after work. No TV, no Wii, no friends and for a while not even any internet, shock horror.
3. Unlike other exams which helped towards some vague goal somewhere down the line, passing this exam would actually earn him money now. A pass would see his wage increase by 750 per year.
Yup, actuarial exams were sweet. It remindered Dave of the "Level Up" of so many of his childhood/teenagehood/adulthood/old-age-hood video games. Studying was like gaining experience points, passing was a level up and brought with salary increase and a larger life meter.
And so, as the exam approached, Dave was on form and this being a maths related test that meant he had already passed, sitting it would be just a formality.
Speaking of formalities, Dave decided to read up on exactly where and what would happen. Students go to the centre, bring your own pens and calculator and everything else is provided. All good. True, he had forgotten his calculator in Liverpool over the weekend, but had since borrowed another so no worries.
He kept reading... if you are unable to attend... blah blah blah... ill... blah blah blah... Your money will not be returned if you do not have your entry permit... blah blah blah...
... entry permit...?
... hmmm.... he decided that was interesting enough to read more about.
Turns out an entry permit will be sent out 2 weeks before the exam. If you have not received your entry permit 10 days before the exam please contact us. Please allow two working days for delivery.
It was 10pm the day before the day before the exam. Two working days may be an issue.
"Oh fudge."
Very little else was said about the entry permit. It was hardly mentioned anywhere. No where did it actually say what happens if you dont have one, other than the previously mentioned warning which did not sound too promising. This was not good.
With only two nights before the exam, Dave was destined to not sleep at all during the first.
9am the day before the exam, Dave was on the phone getting info.
"Thats fine, we'll email you it and you can print it off."
On the one hand, "YAY!", but on the other hand, "Why the F*&K don't you write that on your website!!!"
25hrs later he was sitting his first actuarial exam, CT1, financial mathematics. 28hrs later he left the hall with everyone else.
He would have to wait now till December to found out how he did. It was possible he could fail and it would all have been for nought, but in all honesty that thought never crossed his mind.
He was more concerned with whether or not he would get the number 1 spot for the year...
Am planning on taking the CT1 exam next year April. Which text would you recommend to use when studying for that paper?
Hi John
I would definately recommend using the material on for all the Actuarial exams. I usually go for the "combined material pack" and the tutorials, but they have other things dependent on what works best for you.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check out the material they have. I got a loong way ahead of me.
very interesting blog...
Thanks for sharing this great article with us
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