Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Three Little Words

“I love London.”

Three simple little words, together with a smile and a hop and just like that the city that had been nothing but an empty place for Dave to work in was suddenly transformed into home.


Jean was down for the weekend and they were hitting the sights. British Museum, Pizza Hut, Shops, Donor Kebab, Shops, China Town, Crab, London Eye, Thames, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Burger King, Cartoon Museum, Little Bear in the Zoo, Sheep, National Portrait Gallery, Muji, St Paul’s church, Charles, lost, China Town, Crab, cake, King’s Cross, China Town.


Every moment was golden. Every moment was far too fast. The days flew by and within the blink of an eye Jean was back on the train to Liverpool.

Dave was left in the empty place he had started in.

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