Tuesday, June 30, 2009


For those who were wondering, Living in London has it's pros and cons for Dave:

Pro: The underground is very very handy during weekdays. If your waiting more than 5 min your pretty unlucky.
Con: Despite this, it's consistantly packed to bursting point during regular going to and from work times.
Pro: A packed tube allows you to rub against pretty girls completely guilt free and without getting slapped!
Con: 90% of tube users seem to be male. The other 10% generally aren't pretty.

Pro: The room Dave was renting was clean, tidy and less than 30min away from his job.
Con: The 2 housemates were less than friendly. The girl said little more than hello, and sometimes not even that. The guy... well, having lived there for over a week, Dave still hadn't even seen him.
Pro: The near non-exsitance of his housemates made the shower rush far easier.
Con: The temperature on the shower tended to jump from one extreme to the other without warning.

Pro: Dave's new job was paying him to play around with numbers making pretty graphs.
Con: ... erm....
Pro: The people at Dave's job were friendly, fun and smart. The guy who was his direct line manager was full of life and pretty damn sexy. The work he did actually mattered, unlike a Thesis.
Con: ... OK, I got nothing, I like my new job.

Pro: Dave's new job gave him £27K per year.
Con: Tax, NI, student loan repayments, a room in London, travel expenses, food and a Jean in Liverpool meant he had approximately £0 per year spare from that.
Pro: In addition to 25 days holiday they also gave him 40 study days every year.
Con: They actually expected him to study on those days.

Con: The general public in London are generally souless. They will not step aside if they see someone wants to get past. They will not apologise if they barge into you. Smiles are rare.
Pro: You can sing really loud and no one will even look at you. Looking at fellow humans is forbidden.
Con: Jean and everyone Dave knew and cared about were all up North, sitting around the pool eating liver.
Pro: Jean would be heading south in a few months.

How's u?

1 comment:

mimi said...

I hope you will feel less and less lonely in the big London!

The week-end in the Delta was really lovely :) Most of the pics on my blog are also on Fbook actually...

Today is a rainy day down here in Saigon... Sky is grey, thunders all around...

Tchoi oi, as the Vietnamese would say! ;)

Hello to the lovely Mrs Cavewoman!

Take care Dave! And keep writing! ;)