Saturday, August 25, 2018

Mrs & Mr Mummy

On 21 August 2018, I received a message from my mum:
“Hi Dibs got married today”
I like nice surprises. What could be nicer than learning your mum is happy? 
In a world that has gone a little batshit crazy over weddings, I’m incredibly proud of my mum for remembering exactly what the day is suppose to be about. 
“Just me, Steve & 2 friends as witnesses.”
The average cost of a wedding in the UK is apparently above £27,000 and rising every year. Average?!? What is wrong with people? How is that remotely possible when most people can’t afford to save a deposit for a house? What’s worse, studies reveal that the more money spent on a wedding, the more likely the marriage is going to end in divorce. 
I am genuinely proud of my mum for not getting sucked down that blackhole.
The newly weds seem great together. Every time I see them, they are filled with happy smiles. Steve waits on her hand and foot, treating her like the queen she is.
I wish you many more joy filled years to come.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Return of the Six

Three weeks ago I drove my wife, daughter, son and mother-in-law to Heathrow. In three weeks time I will go back to pick them all up. 

That can only mean one thing: The Return of the Six Week Challenge.

To recap, the first six week challenge started 55 weeks ago. I weighed, at the time, around 12kg more than my ideal weight. So, whilst the family went to China to enjoy the six week summer holiday, I came up with an absolutely genius plan to improve my health.

The plan: Eat less, exercise more.

49 weeks ago the first challenge ended. The plan worked. I had lost 6kg.

But I left the story on a cliff hanger: I'm off to pick up two of the worlds greatest chefs (Jean & her mum) to come live with me. Think I can keep the weight off? 

The wait is over. The answer you've all been desperate to hear for the past 49 weeks can finally be revealed: Yes and no.

In the weeks that followed the six week challenge I kept my focus. I lost a further 2kg.

Then I remembered how much I like ice cream. Over the next couple of months I gained 5kg.

Then I stopped being an idiot and lost 3kg.

For those struggling with the maths, let me summarise. I start this six week challenge at pretty much exactly where I left off from the last one - 6kg away from my ideal weight. And I've come up with another genius plan to get me to the finishing line:

The NEW plan: Eat less, exercise more.

So, three weeks in, it's time for some graphs.

So far, so good.

3 weeks in, I'm 3 kg down. As far as I am aware, my current weight is the lightest I have been since I was a still growing teenager. Which is nice.

But as always its important to remember not all weight is equal. Specifically, I need to lose fat, not muscle. More graphs please.

Whilst not as accurate as the measurement of weight, it is nice to see I'm mostly losing the fat. Though I may need to up my game on the exercise to keep my muscle mass up.

3 down, 3 to go. Wish me luck.