Only a year old and Matthew already has his first crush. Unfortunately she’s 5 times his age, and his sister.

It started off with a fun game of “Guess what Matthew wants”. For anyone who’s never looked after a small toddler, figuring out what they want is kind of like a game of “20 questions” but instead of answering the questions you just get screamed at.
Anyway, I eventually figured out he wanted a pudding. I gave him it and he seemed very happy. He ate a tiny mouthful then started screaming.
Round 2 of “Guess what Matthew wants.”
In amongst the screams I made out the words “Jie jie!!” - this is Chinese for sister. Pretty much all the words he knows are Chinese.
But what did his sister have to do with his pudding? Hmmm...
Turns out, he was refusing to eat the pudding that he really really wanted because Charlotte didn’t have one. As soon as we gave her one he munched his up happily.
He’s so smitten.
I asked Charlotte if she likes Matthew. She shrugged and said “kinda, but he’s annoying.”
Oh well.