Saturday, November 12, 2011


CA2 - Model documentation, analysis and reporting aka “a 2-day course which provides free food.”

In order to pass the course, you need to produce a model in excel for a random purpose given to you on the second day. The model itself can be rubbish, since the vast majority of the marks come from documentation. You even get extra marks for pointing out why your model is rubbish and you can ask for help if you get stuck – losing a maximum of 5%. The building and documentation of the model lasts an entire day, with a compulsory break for lunch aka “FREE FOOD!!”

So, that’s the second day, what about the first? Well, the program for the first day goes a little something like this:

8:30 – Registration – FREE Coffee and Biscuits
9:00 – 11:00 Get told that Documentation is REALLY important on the second day.
11:00 – 11:15 – FREE Coffee and Biscuits
11:15 – 13:00 Get told that Documentation is REALLY important on the second day.
13:00 – 13:30 – FREE FOOD!!!
13:30 – 15:45 Get told that Documentation is REALLY important on the second day.
15:45 – 16:00 – FREE Coffee and Biscuits
16:00 – 17:30 Get told that Documentation is REALLY important on the second day.
(Admittedly, I may have got some of the times a little wrong, couldn’t find my original program.)
As I head into the final stages of my exams, getting ever closer to the wonderful land of Qualified, I will never forget what I learnt from CA2:

“If your company is willing to pay for accommodation and travel, why on Earth did you take the course just down the street from where you work?!?”

11 down – 5 to go. Next stop, CA3…

… in Oxford.

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