Alcoholic drinks in England and China do not differ greatly. England has more choice when it comes to cocktails, China has more available in strong spirits and rice wine. Both countries have very similar, and in some cases identical, beers and wines.
The main difference between the two countries is the goal of drinking. The English drink to be drunk. This is not the case of all English drinkers, but certainly true for too large a proportion. They drink as much as they can as quick as they can so that they can escape any responsibilities and be “free”. This freedom often involves urinating in public, being violently sick and just being plain violent. England at night is no place for the sober.
The Chinese drink in groups whilst eating to be social and friendly. That is not to say that the Chinese don’t get drunk, but they usually become “friendly” drunks and the number of sober individuals in the group is often enough to ensure nothing goes too seriously wrong. Generally, the streets of China at night are a much calmer place.
Thus the Dragon sails into the lead and round 4 goes to China.
England 1 – 3 China.
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