Sunday, July 29, 2007

Problem Gambling

With the new super Casinos on the horizon, stories of gambling addicition became increasingly common. The list of people who had lost everything on the role of a dice, then stole more to lose on the next role, seemed surprisingly large, with new names added all the time. Dave had always been amazed at such stupidity. Little did he know, his name would soon be attached to the bottom.

It had started out friendly enough, a simple game of cards between friends, something to pass the time. The games grew longer, more frequent and came to their unavoidable destination. Gambling.

But this was not just small time gambling. Not just a few pound coins passed back and forth. No. The stakes were far higher.

The sentences,

"Whoever loses this game has to wash the dishes!"


"Whoever loses this game has to eat all the leftovers!"

became increasingly common.

Like any true addict, Dave found he couldn't stop. Having lost once, he would gamble on who would clean the dishes the next day and then the next!

Now, having washed the dishes three days straight and standing in front of a mountain of plates, pots and greesy pans, Dave knew he had a problem.

Still, it could be worse.

Bian now weighed 40 stone.

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