Wednesday, November 15, 2006


One week earlier, Dave had everything sorted out. The perfect statistical method for his data had been dropped right in his lap and all he had to do was program it in.

This turned out not to be so simple. Alas, PhD programs rarely are.

One week later, his program improved several times so that it could now work stuff out in a matter of minutes what his first attempt took weeks to do, he was all ready to run it.

And, with great pride, he found out, incredibly quickly, that this method actually didn't work for his data at all and it was back to the drawing board.

Dave's blood began to boil. His muscles began to burst out of his top, his skin turning green. He picked up the ancient relic known as his computer and smashed it into a thousand little pieces. He then continued to smash and bash everything in his path.

On seeing a mirror, he stared into his rage filled eyes and roared, "Whoa, green is TOTALLY MY colour."....

OK, so the hulk out and the smashing of the office didn't actually occur,

but it's the thought that counts.

1 comment:

Limanim said...

Make the world a better place, smash that mofo, there are some things man was just not meant to know