Saturday, July 15, 2006


BEARS!!! Real live cuddly, sitting, standing, walking talking bears!! Well, not talking, but still. Bern had a bears. Three times as many bears as there had been pandas in the chinese panda park! All three of them were very cute. Though they kinda looked a little sad.

In a small theatre next door to the bears, Dave discovered that Bern took it's name from the bears that used to run wild in the forrest which was were Bern now stands, along with other interesting facts. So these bears were in fact the rightful owners of Bern and had been locked up for a crime they didn't commit. Dave quickly had images of a Prison Break.

Another notable creature that used to live in Bern was Einstein. Dave visited the very flat were the stupid genius lived and heard all about his life story. Unfortunately, Einstein wasn't home.

Einstein was a failure. He flunked out of school and was refused entry into several universities. Originally German, he quit his nationality to become Swiss. The Swiss didn't want him and he spent five years without nationality.

Funny how big trees can grow from small acorns.

It was a nice place to visit.

Just outside Einstein's flat was the grand clock tower. Every tourist in the city had been told that something would happen when the clock struck the hour. A crowd had quickly gathered.

5 minutes to and some little people spun round for 3 seconds.

3 minutes to and a little bird flapped it's wings once and squarked.

On the hour the people spun, the bird squarked and a man hit a bell.

The whole crowd was left with a sense of 'is that it?' Have you ever stood watching a clock for almost 10 minutes?

South of the clock lay several museums. The gun museum was of particular interest to Dave. Not because he had any interest what so ever in guns, but because of the guy who worked there and showed them around.

This guy, like the guy from the clock-museum of Zurich, genuinely loved his job. Dave was once again left with a pang of jealously and hoped one day he too would find his dream.

Overall Bern was wonderful and Dave felt very sorry to leave it. Especially because their next stop would be there last...

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