Sunday, March 26, 2006

Physical Perfection

Approximately 4500 people gathered together for one sole purpose. The Liverpool half-marathon. Weeks and weeks of training boiled down to the next few hours. Pushing the human body through higher and higher levels of exhustion. Sweat, stress and fatigue. Waking early every morning for a quick half hour sprint took an impressive amount of will power and determination.

For most people, the run lasted around 2hrs and it was just under 2 hours into it when Dave and Jean approached the finish line at Sefton Park.

They hadn't run the race, oh gosh, no. Dave was tired just watching. No, they were on the otherside of the fence, in the crowd, awaiting the arrival of Tony, who had run. He finished 3 minutes before his 2 hour goal and looked like he was about to die. He seemed to have lost around 3 stone during the race, his previous nickname of "Big" no longer applicable.

Dave was enormously impressed.

Later that day, Dave saw even more impressive people. The Chinese State Circus was in town.


How can someone climb up a 20 ft, vertical, smooth pole, in less than two seconds without even using his feet?

There was spinning and climbing and balancing and jumping and fighting and cute lions and impressive dragons and bendy girls.

A blur of images, most of which should be impossible.

How long and hard must a person train to achieve such heights (both liturally and figuratively speaking)?


With renewed determination, Dave went home and was straight back into his press-ups.

"...20....21.... aaaaaah"


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