Dave sat staring aimlessly at the blank screen in front of him. He had actually tried to be a hard working student, putting in the extra hours on his project, but it had all come to naught. His project required the use of several computer programs. A grand total of zero of these programs wanted to work on this machine. 'Ah pooh.'
Now he needed something else to do. He'd already read todays Garfield strip and dirty pictures wouldn't be the best idea in the middle of the libary with his wife by his side. What else was there?
Faithfully he had turned to his Blog. Good old blog was always there for him when he had time to kill. Only he couldn't think of anything to write. 'Hmmm....'
He could do a 'Mac', slag off his superiors and be removed from civilisation for all eternity.... tempting, but no.
He could write about his week of training. Yes, that was a good idea. His week of training. When he learnt ... stuff. What had he done exactly? 'Hmmm....'
Surely there must be something he had done that was worth writing about... 'What have I done? What have I done?'
'Oh well,' he surrended, 'White is a nice colour, I guess I'll just leave it blank.'
Crap, I guess you have much more things to write, something like your alan or girl's shopping......
hey hey hey, what's this about slagging of my superiors?
I'm not havin that! I never slagged off any superiors, who could be superiors to me? Employers and colleagues maybe, yeah well slagged those off. But don't go calling the bastards superiors now D, not having that at all
Well done!
[url=http://xjemwtqa.com/hwbf/ifjs.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://rjhkupke.com/vngq/dfhp.html]Cool site[/url]
Good design!
http://xjemwtqa.com/hwbf/ifjs.html | http://njuxmfhf.com/bjyr/ahhf.html
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