The Sun was shining and the weather was hot, a sign that God himself was blessing this union. Or it could have just been because they were in China and almost every day was sunny and scorching.
Dave and Jean, looking smart and beautiful respectively, stood outside to greet the never ending masses of people here for their Big Day, the majority of whom had no idea who they were and quite often walked straight past them to the parents of the bride.
'Who's big day is this again?'
When the ceremony began there could be no doubt. Fireworks announced the entrance of the happy couple and all eyes, near 800, were on them. They walked together, side by side, to the center of the room, a lady speaking constantly in Chinese. Dave didn't have a clue what she was saying, it didn't really matter.
The exchanging of the rings came rather suddenly then. So suddenly that they still hadn't fished them out and had to do so rather hurriedly. Jean offered Dave her hand on which he would place the ring, the "One Ring to Rule Dave".
"Jean," Dave whispered, "Isn't that the wrong hand?"
Realising the mistake a moment later, Jean quickly put forward her other left hand. It's for times like this that it pays to rehearse. Still, the main ceremony was more of a huge meal and Dave, being a stone heavier than he was when he arrived in China a month ago, had definately 'rehearsed' the eating part well enough.
The rings had been firmly placed, each had there own, solid white gold symbol of eternal love. A small drink was now given to each of the them. They hugged each other close and drank deeply.
After pouring a champagne fountain and bowing several times, the feast began. The food was magnificent. Unfortantly they never really finished there meal as half way through the toasting began.
Going from table to table the happy couple toasted each of there many many guests who all said something, presumably nice.
With the toasting finished, the meal was over, and the Newly Weds went to the door to say a fond farewell to everyone as they left.
A wonderful day, a wonderful meal, a wonderful wife.
Life is good.
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