Sunday, March 31, 2019


March 31st. A quarter of 2019 gone already. Where does the time go?

Well here’s a belated farewell to 2018, which was, on the whole, a pretty great year. As with every year since Charlotte was born, and a lot more years still to come, my life centred entirely around my little ones. Watching them grow, learn and evolve into actual humans is something that I doubt I’ll ever get bored of.

Charlotte continues to get bigger, both physically and mentally. She does tennis, gymnastics, dance, swimming and ice-skating every week. I’m exhausted.

When she lost her first tooth she asked me if the tooth fairy was real. She said she didn’t think so, but was confused that everyone seemed to say it was. She made me promise not to give her money for her teeth so she could find out the truth.

She’s becoming a great big sister. She still finds Matthew annoying at times, but that’s factually correct. More often than not she looks out for him. Despite not getting a lot of pocket money, on more than one occasion she’s spent it on buying things for him. I’m incredibly proud of her.

Matthew still absolutely idealises her. He follows her everywhere. He copies everything she does, or at least he tries to.  And yes, that includes wearing makeup and dressing in pink. Society hasn’t beaten that pleasure out of him yet, I’m going to let him enjoy it for as long as he can.

Matthew is, in his own words, “very strong”. His vocabulary, both English and Chinese, is growing all the time. Although he still takes a few short-cuts: he always replaces the word “Christmas” with “Ho ho”. It’s nice to finally get to talk to him.

He’s becoming a great little brother. He chased down a kid twice his size because they hit Charlotte. He told me that the kid was naughty and needed to go to jail. I’m incredibly proud of him too.

Of course, not everything about 2018 was great. The new Doctor Who was a big disappointment.

It’s so annoying to admit, but it really was PC crap. Not because the Doctor is a woman, but because it just felt like a checklist of PC things that the show just ticked off. Women, black, other non-white, young, old. And weirdly the end result made it feel, if anything, more sexist and racist than previous series.

The Doctor is sexy. Or at least he was. The Doctor is sexy because he is confident, smart and clearly a very deep character with 1000 years of life experience. This new Doctor acts like she doesn’t have a clue what to do or what is going on. She seems to have no previous knowledge of anything. She has no authority at all. She is not sexy, despite finally having genitalia I find attractive. She is not the Doctor. But I really hope they get some decent writers and make her the first female Doctor for the next series.

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